Party Bus Lexington Prices

Though every business exists to make money, Party Bus Lexington also puts in a lot of effort to save money for our customers. Any money that we can save on our end gets passed on to you, and those low prices are one of the reasons that our customers continually come back for more. When other companies raise their prices to cover their costs, we find ways to lower our costs while simultaneously improving our service. Party Bus Lexington customers receive all the benefit, and at no extra cost to them!

One of the biggest ways in which all of us at Party Bus Lexington work to reduce costs for you is to keep our vehicles maintained to the highest standards possible. We're not just talking about the usual oil change every so many miles — nope, we're talking about keeping our vehicles running in like-new condition with inspections before and after each and every trip, and maintenance being done as soon as it is necessary, not just every now and then! By keeping our vehicles maintained this well, it costs much less to run them, and once again we are able to pass on our cost savings to you in the form of lower rental costs.

There are also some things that you can do on your end to save money if you like. One is to rent our services on a weekday instead of the weekend whenever possible. We consider Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to be the weekend days, and Friday and Sunday will both be cheaper than Saturday. It also helps to avoid our peak times from April through June, and during the larger holidays like New Year's Eve and St Patrick's Day. Those times are a bit more expensive because of our high demand at that time, as well as increased fuel costs because of higher traffic and more drive time needed to find parkings while you're visiting your destinations.